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  • About Ticks
  • Health Hazards due to Ticks
  • Ticks Sting Symptoms
  • General Silverfish Species Noticed in Australia
  • Self Help May Fall Short
  • Here We Are
  • How We Do
  • We Care for your Pocket
  • What We Expect from You
  • Assured Money Back Guarantee

About Ticks

Primary symptoms of tick paralysis involve a headache, rashes, flu, fever-like symptoms, unsteady gait, tenderness of lymph nodes, intolerance to bright light, partial facial paralysis, and increased weakness of the limbs. As the tick sucks on more human blood, the tick paralysis symptoms may develop more including the duration after the tick has been removed. Certain blood tests help confirm clinical diagnosis. Tick typhus can be treated with antibiotics, although fatalities are known to take place.
Tick bite site may grow burning, itching, redness, and rarely, localized intense pain in some individuals. There are some people who are sensitive or allergic to tick bites and develop rash, swelling, and shortness of breath, paralysis, or numbness. In some susceptible condition, tick bite may be the reason of a severe allergic reaction or anaphylactic shock. This can be life-threatening. If swelling of the throat and face cause breathing problems, it is necessary to seek emergency medical attention.
Some immediate symptoms that infrequently or rarely develop during or immediately after a tick bite may be weakness, vomiting, swelling, weakness or paralysis, headache, confusion, or palpitations. Lyme Disease, caused by tick bite, can be treated with antibiotics.

General Tick Species Noticed in Australia

Out of many tick species found in Australia, you will find the following ticks type making their habitats in our home and commercial places.

  • American Dog Tick
  • Lone Star Tick
  • Blacklegged Tick
  • Brown Dog Tick
  • Winter Tick

Self Help May Fall Short

You may try your best to solve tick-related problems. But in most cases, it may fall short to succeed. Measures to control tick colonies require experts’ help which we at Enviro Control do efficiently.

Here We Are

The Enviro Pest Control people in Perth are well trained in managing Ticks. As each home is different, the Enviro Pest Control Perth technicians can plan and design the most innovative tick control solution to control ticks at your place.
Keeping Ticks out of your home is a continuous process. This is never a one-shot treatment. Enviro Safe Pest Control
in Perth offers exclusive A.I.M. solution. This is an ongoing cycle of three crucial steps which are Assess, Implement and Monitor.

How We Do

We inspect about ticks at your place at first. Then we prepare and apply proper bait. We make your space dust free and apply a surface spray of an appropriate kind inside and surrounding your premise.
We treat all open spaces as well as narrowest corners to control the spread of ticks. Movements of ticks in Bathroom, kitchen, exterior doors, window and door surroundings, garage, plumbing penetrations, , and every crack & crevice are taken care of by us.

We Care For your Pocket

You need not worry about cost of our tick control service. We hardly send you an online quotation for our service. We listen to your problems, send our experts at your place to investigate the condition and then offer you a solution. We quote based on your requirement, place (resident or commercial), and budget that too by maintaining outstanding product and service quality.

What We Expect From You

Do not appoint pest control trainees having little knowledge of Ticks pest species or Ticks control product. You can check their pest control license.
Know that when you are hiring service from Enviro Pest Control that we are insured. We do not believe in shortcuts and strictly follow Australian Standards in this regard.

We Work In Support of Our Claims With An Assured Money Back Guarantee.

Do not go for service with very cheap prices for Ticks control. You must note warranty period offered to you Using cheap product is always less and harmful as well. So take care before deciding any agency to control ticks at your place.
Do not go for low quality pest control products. This may lead the occupants suffer from asthmatic or other bronchial ailments.

Please CONTACT Enviro Pest Control Perth on 0404ENVIRO. We will REACH you soon.

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